McCOR at PM Expo 2018

McCOR at PM Expo 2018

McCOR attended the annual "International Property Management Exposition & Conference" for November 2018. It is Canada’s largest annual property management exposition, with networking and educational events for design, architecture, construction and...

Support for Humboldt Bronco

Support for Humboldt Bronco

On Thursday April 12th Canadians were encouraged (by a woman in BC who took the idea to facebook) to wear Jersey’s in memory and support of the Humboldt Bronco’s, a tragedy that occurred on Friday April 6th, 2017. In addition to McCOR Calgary...

JOB POSTING: Regional Property Manager

JOB POSTING: Regional Property Manager

McCOR Management is looking for a Regional Property Manager for a group of assets in the GTA. This person shall report to the Vice President of Operation for Eastern Canada. The candidate will require a strong operational background in both...

JOB POSTING: Asset Manager

JOB POSTING: Asset Manager

McCOR Management is looking for a Jr. Asset Manager for the Toronto Office. This persons role will be to act as a liaison with our different property owners and monitor the properties performance and collaborate with the management to ensure on the...