COVID-19 is a unprecedented global pandemic, with all of us being plunged into unknown territory as we try to navigate through these new difficult challenges set before us. As a property owner this is a time where your focus should be to ensure your assets are safe, secure and running smoothly. As a Property Management company, McCOR would like to share 5 key points to help you through these challenging times.
1.) Communicate
- – It is vitally important to communicate to all Stake Holders actions being implemented at the ownership and property level, on an ongoing basis, and provide a Plan of Action to address concerns about the challenges at hand.
2.) Safety
- – Ensure on-site staff, contractors, tenants and visitors to your property are safe and appropriate protocols are in place depending on the level of severity being dealt with.
3.) Security
- – How are your asset and tenant premises being protected from loitering and vandalism? Are practices in place to control or limit access during extreme challenges if needed?
4.) Cashflow
- – What steps have you taken to ensure essential expenditures are met or determined not crucial and postponed?
5.) Tenant Retention
- – What strategies do you have in place to support your tenants and maintain rental streams in the short and long term?
McCOR is available across Canada to share their expertise through both thriving or difficult times. Please see our COVID-19 updates as well as links to Governmental programs to help you financially in these troubling times.
For additional information, please contact us. Let McCOR safeguard your asset.